
I’ve got a tip for you that’s so simple it will blow your mind and make you think “dad joke”

Q: What’s the secret to reaching your goals? A: Set goals that you can reach. I know that sounds like a no-brainer, but hear me out. It’s awesome to have BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals). They can be motivating, they build character, and they generate a ton of self-confidence when you finally reach them. But …

I’ve got a tip for you that’s so simple it will blow your mind and make you think “dad joke” Read More »

Just Keep Moving

🤔Small steps add up to BIG changes in your health & fitness. What steps can you take today that will lead to a bigger, better future for yourself?


Overcommitting is a tricky trap a lot of us fall into when making changes in our nutrition & fitness. Because even though overcommitting starts with the best of intentions … and we want to dive in headfirst with a complete lifestyle makeover … … we all too often get overwhelmed, exhausted, and end up quitting. …

Do you OVERCOMMIT?? Read More »

Well hello there, 2023!

I’ve been putting together my bucket list for the year, and it’s been a fun and challenging project. It’s a list of things I want to start doing, stop doing, learn, experience, and achieve this year. Are YOU creating a list for 2023, too? Thinking about this has helped understand what’s really important to me …

Well hello there, 2023! Read More »

Get Your FREE Goal Crusher Guide to Stay on Track in 2023!!!

Can you imagine the AMAZING before-and-after photos we could all post this time next year if we *actually* stuck to our health and fitness goals? The thing is, most of us have the SAME New Year resolutions every year… Resolutions like: “Start running every morning…” “Stop eating sugar…” “Stick to my diet…” Or “Go to …

Get Your FREE Goal Crusher Guide to Stay on Track in 2023!!! Read More »