Well hello there, 2023!

I’ve been putting together my bucket list for the year, and it’s been a fun and challenging project.

It’s a list of things I want to start doing, stop doing, learn, experience, and achieve this year.

Are YOU creating a list for 2023, too?

Thinking about this has helped understand what’s really important to me right now.

In terms of my own health & fitness, it’s about balance and consistency. I’ve realized that protecting my time with family and friends is a top priority for me. Getting home late because I need to “squeeze in a workout” is simply not an option for me anymore. It may mean being ok with a “not-so-perfect” workout or getting up a little earlier to get things done but I believe it will be worth the effort.

Here are 3 more things on my 2023 list:

~Go on an out-of-the-country vacation

~Attend an on-location conference

~Help 30 people reach their goals

Not all at once, of course, lol!

✨What is on YOUR 2023 bucket list?​​👇👇

#bucketlist #priorities #balance #fitnesscoach #fatloss #weightloss

#smartgoals #2023goals #goalcrushers

#healthgoals #fitnessgoals2023 #fitforlife #2023jumpstart

#newyearnewstart #smartergoals #makeitalifestyle

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