Stay on Track While Traveling: Hotel HIIT Challenge!

Stay on Track While Traveling: Hotel HIIT Challenge!

Don’t want to get off track while traveling? Try this basic HIIT routine that can be done in most hotel rooms. The only equipment you need is a simple jumprope that can be easily packed in any piece if luggage.

Warm-up: with 5- 10 minutes of simple a march in place, include dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, etc.).

Do 3x through (in place – 60 second each):
High knee skips
High knee run
Skater Jumps
Run with Butt Kicks
Low Side Shuffle (as space allows)

Do the following circuit 2x through:
Jump rope: 1 minute high knees
10 Fast squats
Jump rope: 1 minute regular
10 Pushup Jacks
Jump rope: 1 minute with high knees
10 Fast squats

Then, 1-minute plank (intermission :-))

15 Mountain Climbers each side
15 Crab Toe Touches

After the workout, cool down with a gentle march to bring down the heart rate, and then stretch.