✅The answer: It depends on what you ate, how much you ate, and how intensely you are going to work out!
As a general rule, it’s a good idea to eat a light meal or snack 1-2 hours before your workout so you have enough fuel to power you through.
BUT… exercising after a heavy meal can lead to:
Upset stomach
Lower-intensity activities like walking, golf, leisurely bike riding, etc., usually don’t trigger digestive problems – even if you do them a few minutes after eating.
BUT if you are going to go for a long run or ride, lift heavy weights, do an interval workout, etc., you will want to wait 1-3 hours or longer (depending on how much you ate).
TIP #1: The harder your workout, the less full your stomach should be.
TIP #2: The best pre-workout foods are easy to digest – like a protein shake or a lean piece of protein.
Fuel purposely and enjoy your workout!