Meal Prepping - Egg "Muffins" with sausage and spinach

Quick Meal Prepping ~ Laura Style

My schedule can get a little crazy so I rely pretty heavily on meal prepping to keep my nutrition on track throughout the busy week. I typically meal prep on Sunday nights while I work on other household chores like laundry etc. This past Sunday I snapped a few photos along the way to show what I do for quick meal prep.

Typically I coat a variety of vegetables (often broccoli or cauliflower bought pre-chopped from Costo) with olive oil, season with a variety of spices and spread them out on large baking sheets. I also prep my protein for the week in a similar manner although during good weather I’ll prepare it on the grill instead of in the oven.

With the oven set to 375F I simply roast the various seasoned items until they are slightly browned. After the items cool I just portion (by weighing) each item into individual storage containers and store in the fridge. I keep my fridge nice and cold and have no problem with the items staying fresh and tasty throughout the week. When I’m ready to pack my lunch for the day I can simply grab one container of protein and one container of veggies and I’m good to go!

**Helpful hint, when I’m baking chicken breast I coat the chicken breast in eggs whites before cooking and seasoning. I find that it helps seal the juices inside the chicken and gives the spices something to stick to. For an extra tasty treat try dipping chicken breast in eggs whites and then coating in Parmesan cheese. Bake until golden brown – yummy!

This past weekend, knowing that my week had several “early start” days, I also prepped my breakfast. I made breakfast muffins by simply adding cooked turkey sausage and raw spinach to muffin tins and filling with eggs. You can use a variety of fillings for these and they make an excellent pop-in-the-microwave grab and go breakfast.